TORNILLERIA INDUSTRIAL, S.A., aware of the importance of providing services that guarantee customer satisfaction, implemented its Quality Management System in accordance with the international standard UNE EN-ISO 9001 back in 2004.

The main objective is to guarantee a service that satisfies the stakeholders' requirements and expectations.

In line with the foregoing, TORNILLERIA INDUSTRIAL, S.A. has approved the following Quality Policy Statement:

  1. Guarantee, at all times, continuous improvement in all our services, processes, quality management system and their performance.
  2. Comply with the applicable legal and other requirements.
  3. Adapt the policy to the organisation's purpose and context, based on strategic management.
  4. Provide a reference framework for establishing objectives and targets that will be quantified whenever possible.
  5. To do this, the management of TORNILLERIA INDUSTRIAL, S.A. will provide the necessary resources to implement the Quality Management Policy.
  6. Concentrate efforts to permanently improve customer satisfaction.
  7. Have a flexible organisational structure that provides smooth communication among departments and efficient processes.
  8. Continuously enhance internal processes to guarantee the system's improvement.
  9. Provide the necessary training to the company staff to facilitate their activity within the quality system. Also, motivate the staff so that they acknowledge the quality system as an asset for the company's day-to-day activity.
  10. Provide the company with modern and efficient equipment that automates tasks and reduces and optimises processes.
  11. Have a reliable stock control system and an organised and identified warehouse.